Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy ALMOST May!!


Happy Almost May! We are celebrating by offering everyone who pays beginning NOW and ending BEFORE May 1st, you may deduct 
$5.00 from your Monthly Tuition! Remember, Group Classes are $85 and Private Classes are $75. Be sure your check amount is correct. 

Go to www.amandasmodels.com and Click on Payments and then Click on Miscellaneous and enter your amount.

Get ready for a BUSY TWO MONTHS!
We will be packing up the studio!! We are moving to the big town of HAHIRA on JUNE 1st!! YAY!!!!
* Open Call with Jayme Pervis of J Pervis Talent Agency April 29thCasting * Directors Workshop on April 30th
* Mother Daughter Tea Saturday, May 7th 11:00am
* Spring/Summer Fashion Show Mall May 7th 12:00pm and 2:00pm
* Connect NYC is May 31st through June 2nd
* June's Broadway Camp June 6th-10th VHS
* AM&T's BIG SHOW June 10th 7:30pm  

Happy Almost May to us All! 

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