Thursday, September 16, 2010




Congratulations to everyone who attended the Open Call on Friday night and to everyone who attended the Jayme Pervis Workshop on Saturday morning and to everyone who attended the Barry Shapiro Workshop on Saturday afternoon.

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Smoke n' Pig BBQ Fundraiser to earn money to attend this weekend's workshops. I am SO proud of you all!! You proved that if you want something for your child, you will make it happen. It was the easiest fundraiser we have ever produced. Elizabeth Steedley sold 86 plates and Amy Booth sold more than 70 (I cannot remember the exact number but I do know 60 were for Delivery!). Most everyone else sold between 20 and 50!! YOU ALL ROCK!

I want to thank you all for your support. Jayme and Barry coming to our agency was a really big deal to AM&T. To have 54 people attend the Open Call and to have 28 in both workshops on Saturday speaks volumes for our agency. It shows that you are serious about your child's potential in this industry and you are serious about increasing their self-confidence in every way possible. It showed you support our agency and that means everything to Jayme. As you heard her say....if you do not support us, she won't support you! Love Jayme!! :)

I have her notes and will be sending those out beginning tomorrow.

Amber and I hope to bring in more agencies from major markets for Open Calls such as CFT in Orlando, Karen Greer Agency in Miami, Elite/Factor in Atlanta. We want you all to have every single opportunity to succeed. We are also going to attend The Arts Convention in June. We will be doing several Smoke n' Pig Fundraisers, as well as The Mother Daughter Tea in May to help everyone who wants to attend....attend.

I was beyond proud that are pictures are not only approved, but LOVED by J Pervis Talent. We are back to shooting on Sundays again. It is amazing to me that our special lighting is God's lighting in our studio garage. Be sure to come in to the runway room this week to see the pictures on the wall!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Our studio/agency looks amazing and I hope you are as proud of it as we are!

Ms. Amanda & Amber

It's Show Time!

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