Monday, September 27, 2010

FASHION ROCKS the 80's!!

Amanda's Models & Talent
Actors, Models, Singers & Dancers

"FASHION ROCKS the 80's"


We are so excited to announce the 1st Rehearsal for "Fashion Rocks the 80's".

The first Rehearsal is set for Sunday, October 10th from 2-4pm at Valdosta High School.

There is a Mandatory Parent's Meeting from 3:30pm-4pm.

What is "Fashion Rocks the 80's"? It is AM&T's Annual Recital. Last year, we did a tribute to Michael Jackson. This year, we are doing a tribute to the wonderful sounds of the 1980's. Our recital includes models, actors, singers and dancers.

The show is set for Saturday, December 18th at 7pm at Valdosta High School. You will be receiving more information on this big event as we get closer to the date. We will have several rehearsals. A complete rehearsal schedule will be released this week.

Parents, Family, Friends and Guests are all encouraged to dress in their favorite 80's attire this special night in December!

Ms. Amanda & Amber
It's Show Time!

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